An afternoon in the forge.
This post shows some of the many operations that take place during a typical afternoon in the forge. I thought it would be fun to get out the mini-camera and document some of this as it happens.
Not shown is the office work that was going on between shop operations- drawings for a new rail for an old customer, many phone calls and emails to keep up on accounts.
One project for the day was garden tools.
Starting with surplus automotive springs...
A single leaf is cut loose from the stack. Often the eye is used for hinges and such, in this case I heated it and flattened it out.
These were cut to a point, but the technique shown makes that unneccesary, since they get sheared to shape after being spread.
This post shows some of the many operations that take place during a typical afternoon in the forge. I thought it would be fun to get out the mini-camera and document some of this as it happens.
Not shown is the office work that was going on between shop operations- drawings for a new rail for an old customer, many phone calls and emails to keep up on accounts.
One project for the day was garden tools.
Starting with surplus automotive springs...
A single leaf is cut loose from the stack. Often the eye is used for hinges and such, in this case I heated it and flattened it out.
These were cut to a point, but the technique shown makes that unneccesary, since they get sheared to shape after being spread.