Two other recent knives: One a 5" utility/camper, the other a 6.5" "tough situation" knife, pattern shamelessly stolen from the incredible Jay Fisher- I hope he considers imitation to be flattery!
ElementFe is my trade name for the Guemes Island blacksmith shop; designing, forging, and building handcrafted forged steel and iron furniture, gates, railings, candlesticks, spoons, kitchenware and all manner of repair and fabrication.
Stubbornly, I didn't do the Good American Thing and just throw out the burned out BBQ that I got for free- only thing wrong with it was that the burner seemed to have been constructed of foil instead of sturdy metal...so I built a new one.
Also, a bucket-0-hooks to hold anti-hawk netting on a neighbor's chicken house. 25, about 4" long, 3/8" round bar.
Well, is it surprising that the metalsmith's house is the last one on the block to get a nice fire tool set? Sad but universal phenomenon. I'm engaged in a serious flirtation with conic sections and developments of same, such as superellipse (widely used in Scandinavian design).
Here's a parabola, roped and tamed for use in our living room.
About 2' wide, 3' tall